Fido loan is fast, easy and convenient.
Licensed by the Bank of Ghana and trusted by thousands of satisfied customers
Only available in Ghana
Why get a loan through Fido?
👍 Apply in the comfort of your home, anytime;
👍 Receive a loan request decision within minutes;
👍 No hidden fees, all costs are displayed in the app;
👍 No waiting in bank queues & No paperwork required;
👍 No collateral & No guarantor;
👍 Money is disbursed instantly.
What do you get with Fido?
✓ Receive up to GHS 200 for your first loan and repay between 10 and 33 days;
✓ We increase your loan amount every time you repay on time, up to a maximum of GHS 600;
✓ As the loan limit increases, we decrease the interest rate and offer more flexible installment options;
✓ Interest rate and total amount to repay are displayed in the app.
What do you need to apply?
✓ A valid ID (voter’s ID, biometric passport, NHIA);
✓ A mobile money account that is at least 2 months old;
✓ Be a resident of Ghana, over 18 years of age.
How to Apply?
✓ Download the app and fill in your details only once. For subsequent applications confirm your details only.
✓ Receive an immediate loan decision;
✓ If you are approved, you will receive the money instantly into your mobile money account;
NB: Some customers might be asked to visit the branch if we cannot verify their
identity online.
How to repay?
✓ Repay using your mobile money;
✓ You can find the process on how to repay in the mobile app help section;
✓ Repay on time and you are eligible to take another loan.
Fido Money Lending (Fido) is a licensed financial institution by the Bank of Ghana, providing responsible credit to eligible borrowers in Ghana.
Flexible repayment terms are chosen by the applicant. The terms vary between 10 and 90 days, payable in one or multiple installments, depending on eligibility. The loans are intended to assist with urgent cash needs, and not to service long-term debt obligations.
The rate varies depending on the amount and term chosen by the borrower. Interest is set to a maximum of 0.466% per day and decreases with good repayment behavior. The maximum fee per loan is 12 GHS. Loans are provided for a short duration, to limit the overall cost of credit to the borrower.
Representative Example:
A borrower may take a loan up to 600 GHS for 30 days, at a rate of 0.266% interest per day.
The representative Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for such loan, including all interest and fee costs, is 123%, however this rate is for reference purposes only. Fido loans do not compound interest, nor are not eligible for extension or refinancing beyond the stated term.
You can contact us on 0307082134 for further information
You can be assured of your privacy, your data is secure with Fido
Pinjaman fido cepat, mudah dan nyaman.
Dilisensikan oleh Bank of Ghana dan dipercaya oleh ribuan pelanggan yang puas
Hanya tersedia di Ghana
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Mengapa mendapat pinjaman melalui Fido?
👍 Terapkan dalam kenyamanan rumah Anda, kapan saja;
👍 Menerima keputusan permintaan pinjaman dalam beberapa menit;
👍 Tidak ada biaya tersembunyi, semua biaya ditampilkan di aplikasi;
👍 Tidak perlu menunggu dalam antrian bank & Tidak perlu dokumen;
👍 Tidak ada jaminan & Tidak ada penjamin;
👍 Uang dicairkan secara instan.
Apa yang kamu dapatkan dengan Fido?
✓ Terima hingga GHS 200 untuk pinjaman pertama Anda dan pelunasan antara 10 dan 33 hari;
✓ Kami meningkatkan jumlah pinjaman Anda setiap kali Anda membayar tepat waktu, hingga maksimum GHS 600;
✓ Ketika batas pinjaman meningkat, kami menurunkan suku bunga dan menawarkan opsi cicilan yang lebih fleksibel;
✓ Tingkat bunga dan jumlah total untuk membayar ditampilkan di aplikasi.
Apa yang perlu Anda terapkan?
✓ ID yang valid (ID pemilih, paspor biometrik, NHIA);
✓ Akun uang seluler yang berumur minimal 2 bulan;
✓ Jadilah penduduk Ghana, di atas 18 tahun.
Bagaimana Cara Mendaftar?
✓ Unduh aplikasi dan isi data Anda hanya sekali. Untuk aplikasi selanjutnya hanya mengkonfirmasi detail Anda.
✓ Menerima keputusan pinjaman langsung;
✓ Jika Anda disetujui, Anda akan menerima uang langsung ke akun uang seluler Anda;
NB: Beberapa pelanggan mungkin diminta untuk mengunjungi cabang jika kami tidak dapat memverifikasi mereka
identitas online.
Bagaimana cara membayar?
✓ Membayar menggunakan uang seluler Anda;
✓ Anda dapat menemukan proses tentang cara membayar di bagian bantuan aplikasi seluler;
✓ Membayar tepat waktu dan Anda berhak mengambil pinjaman lain.
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Fido Money Lending (Fido) adalah lembaga keuangan berlisensi oleh Bank of Ghana, memberikan kredit yang bertanggung jawab kepada peminjam yang memenuhi syarat di Ghana.
Ketentuan pembayaran fleksibel dipilih oleh pemohon. Persyaratan bervariasi antara 10 dan 90 hari, dibayarkan dalam satu atau beberapa angsuran, tergantung pada kelayakan. Pinjaman ini dimaksudkan untuk membantu dengan kebutuhan uang tunai yang mendesak, dan bukan untuk melayani kewajiban utang jangka panjang.
Tarif bervariasi tergantung pada jumlah dan jangka waktu yang dipilih oleh peminjam. Bunga ditetapkan maksimum 0,466% per hari dan menurun dengan perilaku pembayaran yang baik. Biaya maksimum per pinjaman adalah 12 GHS. Pinjaman diberikan untuk jangka waktu pendek, untuk membatasi keseluruhan biaya kredit kepada peminjam.
Contoh Perwakilan:
Seorang peminjam dapat mengambil pinjaman hingga 600 GHS selama 30 hari, dengan tingkat bunga 0,266% per hari.
Tingkat Persentase Tahunan (APR) yang representatif untuk pinjaman tersebut, termasuk semua biaya bunga dan biaya, adalah 123%, namun nilai ini hanya untuk tujuan referensi. Pinjaman Fido tidak menambah bunga, juga tidak memenuhi syarat untuk perpanjangan atau pembiayaan kembali di luar jangka waktu yang disebutkan.
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Anda dapat menghubungi kami di 0307082134 untuk informasi lebih lanjut
Anda dapat yakin akan privasi Anda, data Anda aman dengan Fido
Fido loan is fast, easy and convenient.
Licensed by the Bank of Ghana and trusted by thousands of satisfied customers
Only available in Ghana
Why get a loan through Fido?
👍 Apply in the comfort of your home, anytime;
👍 Receive a loan request decision within minutes;
👍 No hidden fees, all costs are displayed in the app;
👍 No waiting in bank queues & No paperwork required;
👍 No collateral & No guarantor;
👍 Money is disbursed instantly.
What do you get with Fido?
✓ Receive up to GHS 200 for your first loan and repay between 10 and 33 days;
✓ We increase your loan amount every time you repay on time, up to a maximum of GHS 600;
✓ As the loan limit increases, we decrease the interest rate and offer more flexible installment options;
✓ Interest rate and total amount to repay are displayed in the app.
What do you need to apply?
✓ A valid ID (voter’s ID, biometric passport, NHIA);
✓ A mobile money account that is at least 2 months old;
✓ Be a resident of Ghana, over 18 years of age.
How to Apply?
✓ Download the app and fill in your details only once. For subsequent applications confirm your details only.
✓ Receive an immediate loan decision;
✓ If you are approved, you will receive the money instantly into your mobile money account;
NB: Some customers might be asked to visit the branch if we cannot verify their
identity online.
How to repay?
✓ Repay using your mobile money;
✓ You can find the process on how to repay in the mobile app help section;
✓ Repay on time and you are eligible to take another loan.
Fido Money Lending (Fido) is a licensed financial institution by the Bank of Ghana, providing responsible credit to eligible borrowers in Ghana.
Flexible repayment terms are chosen by the applicant. The terms vary between 10 and 90 days, payable in one or multiple installments, depending on eligibility. The loans are intended to assist with urgent cash needs, and not to service long-term debt obligations.
The rate varies depending on the amount and term chosen by the borrower. Interest is set to a maximum of 0.466% per day and decreases with good repayment behavior. The maximum fee per loan is 12 GHS. Loans are provided for a short duration, to limit the overall cost of credit to the borrower.
Representative Example:
A borrower may take a loan up to 600 GHS for 30 days, at a rate of 0.266% interest per day.
The representative Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for such loan, including all interest and fee costs, is 123%, however this rate is for reference purposes only. Fido loans do not compound interest, nor are not eligible for extension or refinancing beyond the stated term.
You can contact us on 0307082134 for further information
You can be assured of your privacy, your data is secure with Fido